Friday, December 09, 2016

Rumblings of Discontent... Some big noses have been put out of joint by the effectiveness of the trustees

How can anyone think that the existing group of trustees who are, by far, the most effective and skilled of all the groups over the last 15 years, should be tossed out? 

But yet there are stories floating around that some want to replace them. Who are they? Well, I don't know for sure. But I hear they include some of those those who were involved in... 

The Parkland and all the buildings being sold to a Trust for R1. Then repeatedly claiming that the agreement did not include all the Parkland until the agreement (with their signature!) was produced. Before that, the scheme to develop the same Parkland which is, of course, contaminated ground. But that, too, was vigorously denied until a map showing otherwise was produced*. 

And the cherry on the top: We now find out that if the development had gone ahead, 75% of the profit would have gone to Barloworld!  Only 25% to the homeowners!  The bulk of the money developing the area was going to be made by others. Not the home owners, who had the (illusory) carrot of lower levies dangled in front of us.   

*See the 2014 posts on this blog to read about the plan to sell off the Parkland fiasco.  And the R100,000 of home owners money blown on it.  

Their actions bring to mind the first law of holes: "If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging." 

Read the detailed "Chairman's Reports" that have been regularly sent to all owners. See the issues our trustees are grappling with that have been ignored for years. Like the sewer pump at the Gate House; the billing troubles with Knysna Municipality to name just two. And be thankful we have this group of trustees working (for free) for us. 

Attend the AGM later this month and vote those standing for re-election back in. Or send in your proxy to the Chairman so he can do the same if you will not be attending. We need them to complete what they have started. Like sorting out the Parkland mess, for one. 

They are certainly the best for the job.


In July 2016,  I wrote to the trustees:
I compliment Bill Cooper and the other Trustees on the excellent job they are doing for the homeowners on Thesen Islands, as reflected in the recent detailed Feedback.

The scope of the work reported in the Feedback, both done and in process,  is impressive. The clarity and detail shows understanding of, and competence in, tackling the issues facing Thesen Islands. 

I am sure I speak for many when I say I feel fortunate and am extremely grateful to have this competent group of people giving their time to Thesen Islands.

Thank you,
Ken Rutherford

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