Sunday, May 12, 2019

Bulk Issue: HOA spin vs Owner's reports on what really happened at the AGM

This is how it works. If you have all the email addresses, you control the narrative. The HOA spins the news to suit their agenda. No question about it. 

Keep in mind that:

The vast majority of owners are totally dependent on the HOA for their information. 

The "Bulk Issue" is the most important issue facing Thesen Islands ever. And it gets 2 sentences in the HOA's January 2019 AGM Minutes.

What the HOA said happened at the AGM about the increasing of the size of the houses:

Johan de Beer (K07) asked for a show of cards to get the general feeling of the meeting i.r.o. the increased bulk, which was done.
In principle the majority of the meeting was against the increase of bulk.  A small minority showed indication that they would like the matter to be investigated further. 

What the owners said happened:

Owner 1
“Not sure if you've been informed, but the 'expansion' of Thesens was rejected by a forced vote by the homeowners (as the HOA had removed the topic from the agenda pending the commission - slimy ) . No decision on the insider offenders yet.”

Owner 2
“In a nutshell a member asked for a show of hands from the floor for members who were against the increase in bulk. Nearly 80% of those present did not want it.”

Owner 3
Of significance and importance to us is that the question of the TIHOA DRP and Trustees decisions relevant to the question of “Increased Bulk or FAR” was hotly debated. Although poorly controlled and after many exchanges the action of the Trustees in establishing a sub-committee was put to the vote and their action was carried by the narrowest of margins.

Then because of continued pressure It was decided to have a “Straw Poll” for an indication from the meeting to sub-committee as to whether the Members actually wanted any “increase in Bulk or FAR”.  The overwhelming vote was NO – my estimate 90% against, so the Subcommittee has a clear mandate of Members feelings and this really took the Trustees by surprise.

Owner 4
So we survived, although it probably was the largest gathering ever by Members for an AGM it was not overly dramatic. It was interesting to hear the comments, Chris Mulder spoke leaving no doubt that for him and the Developers negotiating the Building Rules for TI were long and hard. Graham Power also spoke and sort of intimated Members take a vote on whether the Committee proceed with their deliberations.

Another Member stood up and said, let’s have a show of hands. This was the obvious solution. By far, I mean by a huge margin the overwhelming majority stuck their hands up for leaving the DRP Guidelines concerning Footprint and Bulk as is. There was then a call of hands for the proposal the Committee investigate the issue. If there were twenty it was a lot. This was not a formal vote but a show of hands to guide the Trustees.

The Committee still stands but their job is to resolve the issue of properties who are over Footprint or Bulk.

In real terms I think this means they are not going to let go of the Bulk story, it is bound to raise it’s ugly head again. The Trustees maintain there are more than 30% of houses not in compliance; their inference is that these can be fixed by the Bulk story. Chris strongly disagreed and said that under his guard every building was properly checked. 

So that’s where we are, I don’t for one minute think the Bulk issue has gone away.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:07 pm

    30% Non compliance? - not even if you add every item together and include issues such as tv aerials,missing house nrs,boat parking etc. Wonder where that statistic came from?
