Thursday, March 28, 2019

What really worries me about this bulk scam.... the safety of our little kids

Come join me on my veranda.

Yes, it is a bit noisy but it's still nice and cool.  Great that we are still having some hot days. 

You know what really bothers me about this push to increase the bulk? 

Well, there are 2 things. The first one...

Despite 80% to 90% of the members being against it at the AGM, this group of trustees are still pushing ahead.  You would think that with that sort of opposition they'd put their hands up and say "OK, we get it. "

Can you believe that they were approving plans with increased bulk even when they didn't have approval from the Knysna Municipality? Probably started in July or August last year but they only told us in December. The insiders knew, of course.

See that house over there ... as you can see it has been gutted, the single story area made double story. Construction noise starts at 7.30 and ends after 5 every day.  That is what this increase bulk means, more construction. Which means noise, dust, trucks, bakkies... the negatives don't end.

As I was saying, this noise is a big irritation but the 2nd thing that really worries me is the increased amount of heavy trucks and bakkies on our narrow roads.  

When the 4 year time limit to build a house was in place, there were a lot less peoples living on the Islands. Now we have lots of families with small kids, lots of grandchildren visiting their grandparents, And riding around on bicycles, tricycles, scooters...

I don't have small kids or grandchildren but  I am worried stiff.  

You have grandchildren don't you?  

Well, you owe it to them and to all the other little kids who live here to tell the HOA in no uncertain terms that this attempt to increase the bulk is a dangerously stupid idea and must be stopped. 

It is insane to open Thesen Islands up to continuous building. 

It is coming to crunch time. If you are opposed to this, then you need to add your voice to those fighting against it. Write and tell the HOA where you stand. Get involved! Your levy won’t be doubled. Security won’t drag you out of your house at 3 in the morning and take you to Red Square (HOA building) and give you electrical shocks. Well, it hasn't happened to me yet. But if it does, you will be the first to know.   

These do not mix safely....


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