Wednesday, March 27, 2019

The Sounds of Thesen Islands.... No, not the birds, it's Jackhammer time

Aah, yes, I used to love the sounds of the birds on Thesen Islands in the early morning...

But lately there are different the sounds I have been waking up to and suffering through every day ... Yes, the sounds of  "improvements."  As the trustees told us, " the real aim (for the changes) to the Design Guidelines" is "the stimulation for improvements. " 

I'm get an up close feel of what we are in for with these "improvements" if we don't roll back this "increased bulk" scam. 

The house across the waterway from me has been gutted and the single story areas made double story, surely the beneficiary of the illegal increase in bulk. Yes, illegal. As in NOT APPROVED by the Knysna Municipality. And this is confirmed by both the KM and the HOA. Read my submission to the Bulk Committee for the details.

Yes, those sticklers for the law when it comes to who can attend the AGM and disallowing unfriendly proxies, ignore the law. With no consequences, no explanation, nothing. Just brazening it out like Eskom executives caught scamming.   

Thesen Islands has turned into a business. The sounds of the "improvements" you are hearing are music to the ears of the builders, architects, interior designers and suppliers of building material, bathroom and light fittings, tiles, carpets, windows... It is a new boom time. 

Having lived through the sensible initial 4 year building time limit, we now have the HOA throwing Thesen Islands open to be a never ending building site. 

Do you know the builders are allowed to work from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m Monday to Friday? And on Saturdays with permission? 

Hey wait a minute, that doesn't seem right, you say? I thought we had a Home Owners Association looking out for the owners? No, friend, it is a Home Builders Association that is now running this building site. 

And if you complain about the noise in the early morning the HBA will ask the builder to please start with the noisy equipment after 8.30. Ask, you say? Yes, ask them! So they can say "No, stuff the people who want a quiet early morning, I've got a wall I want to break down."    

But you, Mr/Ms Owner, will be fined from R500 to R5,000 for making a noise.

Coming soon to a house near you...

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