Thursday, December 11, 2014

My Reply to the HOA Trustee's to their email pulling the plug on their Parkland stands scheme - 11 December 2014

11 December 2014

Dear Brian and the other Trustees of the TIHOA,

In reply to the email sent to all home owners withdrawing the Trustee’s proposal to build houses in the Parkland, I want to make the following points (excepts from the email are in Italic):

Preparatory work was necessary to bring a clear proposal to the AGM. The Trustees could hardly come to the AGM saying we have a proposal to build additional houses, we don’t know where and we don’t know how many and we don’t know how much money could be generated. To undertake a proper investigation, the Trustees have approved expenditure of R108 000 to bring the proposal to a state that it can be communicated to the Members and presented to the AGM

Who is buying this? Not me. An email could have been sent to every home owner saying “…. we are exploring avenues for raising income to fund the infrastructure maintenance fund. We have identified an area at the eastern end of Plantation Point and overlooking the beach to add about a dozen stands. What do you think of this?”

How far would R108,000 go with ePap Children’s Feeding Project, the Knysna feeding scheme for preschool children? It would give 450 kids a meal each school day for a year.  

The suggestion that the Trustees are trying to sneak this through is simply not true. The idea was first brought to the Trustee meeting, by myself, in April 2014 and has been worked on since then. The Trustees had discussed the Project at each of the Trustee meetings on 3rd June, 12th August, 7th October and at a special meetings called to discuss the development on 17th November. The minutes of 3rd June and 12th August are on the Members web site, while the minutes of 7th October and 17th November will be posted on the website once approved at the Trustee meeting on 9th December 2014

The April, June and August meeting's minutes were only posted on the HOA website on 31 October, 2014.  See the screen shot below.

There was no recorded discussion on the matter in the minutes of the April meeting. Just a reference to looking to other avenues for income.

I was not invited to the special meeting on 17 November. It appears it was by invitation only to a few home owners.

Your proposal was sent to all the homeowners on 22 November, 2014. 3 weeks after the minutes were posted! This is assuming home owners read the minutes on the day they were posted.  

Aside from the few home owners who you identified as “directly affected” who were notified on 30 October, the vast majority of home owners had 3 weeks’ notice of the plan. I live full time on Thesen Islands and I heard about the scheme in a coffee shop on 14 November.

The Trustees, also, do not wish to create a rift, disunity or animosity in our community. The Trustees believe that this would inevitably develop between Members if a vote is called.

This is a bit rich. The Trustees were the ones proposing a vote on cutting up the Parkland. Hindsight is perfect but how about some foresight? You couldn't anticipate that “a rift, disunity or animosity” would be caused when you called for a vote?

On a personal note, I wish to express my concern with the tone of some of the opinions. The Trustees have been called corrupt and there have been suggestions that they should be voted off. I wish to remind all Members that the Trustees give of their time, without any compensation, freely and without complaint.  

Surprised that people get hot under the collar when you propose building stands in the Parkland and boardwalks in front of their houses?  Adding 13 houses to the end of their cul de sac? Having to face more building and trucks in and out through the Gate House, all day, every day during the week for a few years? 

The Trustee’s lack of foresight caused a period of tension and unhappiness among home owners on Thesen Islands. Sadly, there is now distrust of the current Trustees. Many home owners were forced to spend hours of their time and lots of their energy fighting the proposals.  Also without compensation.

The best way to avoid criticism is to make no suggestions. I do not think this is what Members would expect from their Trustees.

No one would say that the Trustees should not come up suggestions. But this scheme was the wrong scheme, handled the wrong way, cost R108,000 and caused distress, tension and distrust on Thesen Islands.  

And no hint of an apology from the Trustee’s for this fiasco.

I am very sorry this has happened. It has been very unpleasant for many home owners, for you and your fellow Trustees. I look forward to starting the new year with a clean slate.  

Yours sincerely,
Ken Rutherford

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