Thursday, December 11, 2014

More Egg on Trustee's faces - Gray Rutherford responds with the Arcus Gibb Map to HOA dismissal of his statement regarding Parkland contamination

The area inside the highlighted border are the "Contamination Zones". See Map Key for details. This map formed part of the Arcus Gibb report that detailed the contamination of Thesen Islands.

I have highlighted the outline to make it easier to see. Looks like the outline of the Parkland, doesn't it? Read Gray's letter below and draw your own conclusions. 

Press "Control" and  the +" key to increase size of map. To reduce size, press "Control -"
"The Trustees and Dr Chris Mulder are well aware of the contaminated areas and the proposed development would not be located on contaminated land." 
- Excerpt from the letter from HOA Trustees to home owners, dated 2 December, 2014.

"The area shown for potential future houses is not contaminated and were not part of the previously identified contaminated areas. " 
- Excerpt from letter from Dr Chris Mulder, CMAI to Brian Sears, Chairman of the TIHOA, dated 28 November, 2014, and sent to home owners in letter dated 2 December, 2014.

Here is Gray Rutherford's letter:
To : Chairman, Thesen Islands Home Owners Association Trustees
Re : Parkland Contamination

I refer to my previous e mail to you dated 26 November 2014.  As I have not had the courtesy of a direct response, I am taking as your response the dismissal of my statement in the email you sent to Thesen Islands home owners on 2 December 2014.

I had thought that, in the interest of good governance, you would have independently investigated my statement that the full extent of the Parkland is a remediated contaminated area. Despite not wanting to become further involved in this sorry saga, your public rebuttal requires me to substantiate my statement.  (Bold added)

I attach a (reduced) contaminated areas plan ref J90299B – 3 dated June 2001 by consultants Arcus Gibb that identified the different contaminated zones on Thesen Islands.  It encompasses the full Parkland and includes the areas where you planned to develop 15 more residential stands.  This plan formed part of a report that detailed the contamination on Thesen Islands and the remediation plan and strategy agreed with the environmental authorities.

If you choose, you can verify this information with the records of the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, the Knysna Municipality and the contamination consultants, Arcus Gibb.

In our increasingly urbanized world I believe the protection and preservation of our green spaces is the most important legacy we can pass on to our children, grandchildren and future generations.  

"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our
children"   -  Native American proverb

Gray Rutherford
10 December 2014

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