Tuesday, September 24, 2019

FAR Report Fallout! 4 Trustees resign... Why does the HOA not name them? Because 2 of them delivered a report they weren't meant to?

"And now, at this point in the meeting, I'd like to shift the blame away from me onto someone else."

HOA email to members, 6 September 2019:

Dear Member

Over the past two months we have had four Trustees resign for business as well as personal reasons.

We are however pleased to advise that Robyn McCall and Renette Kumm have recently been co-opted to help fill the void due to the above resignations.

As co-opted Trustees they serve until the next AGM (Jan 2020) and are available for re-election at the time if they so desire.

We welcome Robyn McCall and Renette Kumm onto the Board and wish them well in their new roles.

Paul Burchell
General Manager

When I read this, I was more troubled by what it did not say than what it did.

Firstly, ”over two months”? That is conveniently vague to hide any conflict that resulted in resignations.

Secondly, the resigning trustees are not identified. Surely, having been elected by the members, members should be told who they are? But not many members expect openness and transparency from the HOA anymore.  

That's why this blog (not my choice, but someone has to get the other side of the story out) continues to be the place members come to read about what is happening on Thesen Islands. As well as a growing number of  onlookers (amused, intrigued, potential buyers?) slowing down to look at the continuing wreck... circus...sh*t show... pick your word...that is Thesen Islands today.     

Well, the resigning trustees are Lester Day, chairman of the FAR Committee and a long standing member of the Board. Orrie Fenn who was also a member of the FAR Committee. And we know how the remaining trustees feel about their report. They hate it and blame them for it. 

And then 2 outsiders, Paul Zwarts who was doing good work on the gardens and Russell Belter, who was only elected this January. 

One could say that the voices of reason have gone. I don’t really know, but they did not seem to be part on the inner circle.

Who is left?

Bill Cooper, Remia Eksteen, Sam Lurie and Mark Williams. They are undoubtedly the drivers of the increase in bulk. And they get to choose two more trustees. John Stevens, is the fifth Trustee, who is in charge of finance, and has not seemed to have gotten himself embroiled in this mess.

What is unfortunate is that, until now, none of the four have given their reasons for resigning. I  think that if you were elected by members you owe them an explanation as to why you resigned, especially if the issue is the governance of Thesen Islands.

Thesen Islands is in a crisis. Now is the time to stand up and make you voice heard. That means all of us. And we need a few strong members to stand as trustees at the next AGM. 

Sh*t show: Some people might find the term offensive but when you read one of the definitions on Urban Dictionary I think you'll agree that it fits. This is how it is described: A description of an event or situation which is characterized by an ridiculously inordinate amount of frenetic activity. Disorganization and chaos to an absurd degree. Often associated with extreme ineptitude/incompetence and or sudden and unexpected failure.

Coming soon...  
Don't Follow the Trustees down the Rabbit Hole  A response to the hatchet job on the FAR Committee's Report and the committee members.  

Top 10 Reasons Leisure Island is Now a Better Place to live than Thesen Islands. Looking back on our decision, 19 years ago, to make a home on Thesen Islands rather than Leisure Island, one of the options, I came up with this list.