Sunday, November 19, 2006

First Published December 2001

11 Islands Completed

The creation of Thesen Islands is well underway with 11 Islands completed and 5 Islands partially completed.

Owners in the first phase (1A) took transfer of their stands in July 2001. At last count 13 homes were under construction with four homes looking like they will be completed in time for the festive season.

Phase 1B was competed in November, with owners taking transfer in late November and early December 2001.

Here are some recent pictures of the Islands...

The copyright notices on the photos and the childlike explanations of what copyright means are in response to finding my photos and writing (yes, whole sections cut and pasted) on other internet sites. Copying someone else's work without permission and putting on your website, or one you are doing for a client, is stealing.

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