Friday, July 21, 2023

Let's stop killing the birds at the ponds


Look they are slow. Yes, they do wander onto the road. Yes, they walk funny. But that's why we need to drive SLOWLY when we are passing the 2 ponds.

Make a conscious effort to slow down when driving in the area of the 2 ponds. A few seconds is not going to make difference as to what time you get to Woolworths, ile de pain, PEP or wherever you are going or getting home. 

Drive in the middle of the road when the road is open so you have a better chance of not driving over a Moorhen, Black Crake or Coot.

Look where you are going, not at your passenger. Or phone. 

Be especially vigilant at dusk. A black bird is not that easy to spot.  

It is sad to see dead birds in the road. When, with a little bit of care, it can be avoided.   

Let's make an effort to look after the beautiful birds of Thesen Islands. 

And that includes our owls. Don't use poison. Despite the PR, there is no safe one, I am told. Yes, it easy to drop poison around the place but do the right thing and use a trap. You more than likely have a gardener who can handle it for you, if you are squeamish. 

Use a trap.  These ones, available from Agri, work very well: