Tuesday, January 01, 2019

More evasion from the Design Review Panel - You be the judge

Here's another story of incompetence and evasion by the Design Review Panel.

On December 19, 2018, I wrote to Paul Burchell:

Dear Paul,

In November 2018, I was approached by a neighbour of the above stand questioning the double storey garage being built, apparently, within the setback on the above stand, H41.

My reply was:
Have you written to the HOA about your concerns? 

The Design Guidelines are downloadable from the HOA website. In them you will read:

Relaxation of building line: A single storey garage or carport may be sited up to 450 mm from a side boundary line that does not abut a waterway.

As, apparently a double storey is being built with a 450 mm set back, I do not see how it complies with the Guidelines.  

The HOA owes you an explanation. But if you do not lodge a forceful objection with the HOA, you will not be taken seriously. Write to both the GM and the Chairman of the HOA as well as the Trustees. That is how it works.  
As I am becoming increasingly concerned with the current  operation of the DRP, can I also have an answer for this apparent approval  in violation of the Design Guidelines? 

Ken Rutherford
Here is the reply I received:

Dear Paul 

I invite Mr Rutherford to our next DRP meeting where the entire panel will be available to answer his concerns. 
This meeting is pencilled in for the 22 January 2019.

Sam Lurie

How about a simple email telling me how this was approved? 

No, I have to come to a meeting of the "entire panel"  to "answer my concerns" at a meeting that may or may not take place.

Kicking the can down the road, again. That is our Design Review Panel. And hoping I'll  not want to waste a morning sitting in a meeting waiting for the "entire panel " to "answer my concerns"

In Afrikaans, they say "Hulle vat my vir 'n gat." 

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