Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Design Guidelines::More trucks, dust, noise, workers and danger to our kids & security

If you think the major changes to the Design Guidelines that the HOA is determined to ram though won't affect you, think again..

If you are upset about this, then you need to write to the HOA. Complaining over the fence with your neighbour is just gossip.  You need to stand up and make your voice heard. It still amazes me to run into fellow residents who complain vociferously about some gripe with the HOA and when I ask if they have complained to the HOA, they say "No".  And I even get people who expect me to complain on their behalf! I am simply another resident. I have no special powers. 

Home owners need to be involved or suffer the consequences of a few making self-serving decisions.   

Here is our letter to the HOA:

 Thursday December 13, 2018

Dear Trustees,

Each stand sold by the TIDC required for it to be built out within 4 years of first transfer. This was to ensure that the building process had an end.

Your planned rewriting of the Design Guidelines, which any right minded person would say is against the Constitution which allows only for minor changes, opens the door to continuous construction on the Islands. 

This is acknowledged in the Chairman’s Report where it says “the real aim (for the changes) was to provide the stimulation  for improvements“. With the TIDRP being heavily populated with architects and designers, this position is not surprising. That it is stated this bluntly is. Needless to say, this “stimulation” is not the function of the TIDRP and the trustees have  failed in  their oversight role of the DRP or allowed the tail to wag the dog.

Most importantly this is definitely not in the interests of the huge majority of homeowners, ourselves included. Increased construction will bring more big trucks, more bakkies, more noise, more dust and more workers. The trucks and the bakkies will endanger our children and grandchildren riding their bikes on our narrow roads. The extra workers will be an added threat to our security.

We object strongly to this proposal and vote “No” to the gutting of the Design Guidelines to benefit the few at huge cost to the rest of us.

First homeowners had to fight to save the Parkland from houses, then homeowners had to fight to remove the Trojan horse cellphone towers, now homeowners have to fight self serving changes to the Design Guidelines. The common denominator of all 3 issues is the self interest of a few attempting to override the interests of the vast majority of homeowners.

I have banged this email out on my phone as I am on holiday. That being homeowners on Thesen Islands requires constant vigilance to protect our rights to a peaceful environment is sad.

Enough now with these self serving schemes!

Yours sincerely,
Kenneth & Mabelle Rutherford

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