Friday, December 28, 2018

Another owner says NO to the HOA's Bulk scam

December 28, 2018

Here's another letter from a homeowner to the HOA. 

The writer, Max Diethelm was an early buyer on Thesen Islands. He bought his stand from the Thesen Islands Development Company and built his home.

As a homeowner, I say "Thank you, Max, for having the courage of your convictions and publicly standing up against this scam being forced on homeowners."  

If, like Max, we all stand up we might be able to save Thesen Islands.

Scam, you say? 
Yes, the scam (meaning a dishonest scheme) to redevelop Thesen Islands under our feet. Being forced on homeowners without consultation, and by stealth.  

Stealth, you say? 
Yes, the changes to the Design Guidelines were approved in July 2018, but only the connected homeowners were told. The rest of use were only told 5 or 6 months later, in December, 2018.

I have made some parts of Max Diethelm's the letter in bold as I feel they are key points.

December 27, 2018

Dear Trustees,
I herewith kindly ask you to be humble and refrain from increasing the bulk for the following reasons;
According to correspondence in circulation you are sowing huge disunity amongst the homeowners. The explanation in your message dated the 21 Dec 2018 is perceived as weak. 

Having read that letter carefully over and over and taking also your message dated the 22 March 2016 into consideration, It appears that there are still ways and means available to accommodate building irregularities with the municipality without increasing the bulk in general. 

Clear is also the fact that you as trustees are aware that the bulk increase amounts to some 15 500 m2 or the equivalent of two rugby fields. 

At only 13 000.00 per m2 it translates into some R 200 million of building activity.

Why are you withholding this important information of scale from the members ??? This is not minor!
As already mentioned in earlier correspondence to yourself, you are turning this Island into an never ending building site with dire consequences waiting in store.
Please kindly restore your well deserved respect by not going ahead with the bulk increase. It is not in accordance with the constitution particularly the way it is handled and I certainly would also be part of challenging your decision with the help of the Community Schemes Ombud.

With Kind Regards
Max Diethelm

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